Sunday, May 31, 2009


heyhey bentar lagi jobros keluar di bioskop ! haha . aaaa can't wait for it ! :p

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


the run-away alarm clock

blender alarm clock

flying music alarm clock

granat alarm clock

wow! that's the real crazy clock

hey i think one of my friends really likes it, especially rizca
wow math!

is that a real clock ?


hey look at those pictures, he's pretty cool hah ? haha

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


When sky blue gets dark enough
To see the colors of the city lights
A trail of ruby red and diamond white
Hits her like a sunrise

She comes and goes and comes and goes
Like no one can

Tonight she's out to lose herself
And find a high on Peachtree Street
From mixed drinks to techno beats it's always
Heavy into everything

She comes and goes and comes and goes
Like no one can
She comes and goes and no one knows
She's slipping through my hands

She's always buzzing just like
Neon, neon
Neon, neon
Who knows how long, how long, how long
She can go before she burns away, away

I can't be her angel now
You know it's not my place to hold her down
And it's hard for me to take a stand
When I would take her anyway I can

She comes and she goes
Like no one can
She comes and she goes
She's slipping through my hands
She's always buzzing just like

Neon, neon
Neon, neon
But who knows how long, how long, how long
She can go before she burns away

She comes and she goes
Like no one can
She comes and she goes
She's slipping through my hands
She's always buzzing just like

Neon, neon
Neon, neon
But who knows how long, how long, how long
She can go before she burns away

john mayer - neon


i really really love this guy :) he is a multi-talented musician, o yeah !

Friday, May 22, 2009


haha padahal gua ga ngikutin american idol season ini
tapi selamat ya buat kris allen pujaannya tannia rizca haha, gua juga dukung dia kok walaupun ga ngikutin :)
buat dania si adam ga menang tuh weeeee ! haha


yeay akhirnya gua punya komputer rakitan lagi hahaha :)
btw, silahkan dimainkan yah games yg ada di blog gua hehe thanks :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


dania meets elvis and slash

foto kelas 7 :)

happy 15th birthday daniaaa ! wish you're smarter , taller, etc my friend HAHA

love you,
marcel : )

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


gua lagi demen bgt sama ini handphone hahahahhaha : ) eh eh kalo di antara kalian yang keluarganya di amrik atau nanti pas liburan ke amrik nitip dong , nanti langsung gua ganti hehe . PLEASE ! AND THANKS BEFORE ! oia la yang di tengah pasti lu suka deh soalnya PINK haha

Friday, May 1, 2009

baju baru :)

yeaaay ! akhirnya kesampean beli baju bert and ernie dan SESAME STREET lagi ! hehehe. yeaap tadi siang gua pergi ke mangdu , nyokap dan gua pergi ke toko little club (toko della 92 punya bapak). karena mami gua langganan beli baju disitu, kita ditawarin sama bapaknya della baju bossini sesame street yang baru dibeli om nya (made in thailand), harganya 130rb. karena gua liat bagus banget akhirnya langsung beli 2 deh buat gua *kasian mami bayarnya jadi 260 deh hehe* tapi karena gua kasian sama cici rachel, akhirnya gua relakan 1 buat dia yang big bird yang pastinya ukurannya lebih besar hehe *padahal lucu aaaaa :'(

freaky day

sebetulnya gua mau ngepost ini 2 minggu yang lalu, hehe gara2 ga ad kerjaan ya ud deh post ini aja . yeap that's my sister and i . hehehe . kita maen biang es lohh hahaha . jd waktu itu pas lagi ada ulum gua minta dia sama bonyok gua pergi ke TA spesial buat beliin gua baskin robin hehe , soalnya lagi ngidam es krim . ya ud deh akhirnya es krim sampe ke rumah dan kita berdua langsung celupin biang esnya ke baskom yang banyak air . dan hasilnya bisa diliat di atas haha

face expression

finally i have done it ! yeaaaah ! dibantuin nyokap juga loh hahaha . gua ga nyangka kita berdua kerja cuma 1 setengah jem ! hahahahahahaha . ADU SENENG BANGETTTT ! THANKS MUMMY ! love youu ! <3